Tuesday, October 24, 2006

RSS and JavaScript Cookbook: Rip, Mix, Burn

Meredith Farkas
Paul R. Pival

I REALLY liked this presentation. So glad I wasn't scared away by the JavaScript part - it was actually, cool tools when you want to use JavaScripts but know no Java coding. Not only that, but the presentation was done on a wiki. I thought it was brilliant, despite the presentation hickups. How much you wanna bet this wiki has a second and third life?

RSS and JavaScript Cookbook Presentation Wiki : http://paulandmeredith.pbwiki.com/

tools all posted on the wiki....

Personal firewall - filtering through IT - as barrier, circumvent that personal firewall.
Levine's law - teaser . this page is built on the fly!!

New books outside source, view source javascript - pulled from outside source via javascript.
Collection of Webscripts - dynamically drawn on the page.

why important? traditional subject page:
  • not often updated
  • not easy to add content if you don't know html
  • no field is static - so perhaps a static web page not the best tool for a subject guide
dynamic content lives elsewhere and pulled in to the page. Updated as content updated anywhere...

don't have to know how to use it to use it.... i.e. bookmarklets...

blinklist (bookmarking sites)

Podcasts screencasts, vodcasts

cutting and pasting and putting in what you are interested in...

Feed2JS most popular tool for syndicating stuff on a Website - free to use
You can install this on your own server...

feed2js : http://feed2js.org/

generates javascript - cut and paste into Webpage....

RSS to Javascript

Grazr : www.grazr.com

opml outlining format for rss feeds take feed and turn them into an opml file - way to export so that you don't have to resubscribe once you move to a different reader.

example.... :

Feed to JS all the time. uses lots of content that needs to be fed and updated on regular basis.

javascript - syndicating content from a blog to the intranet....

journal articles as feeds on subject pages

social bookmarking...
organize fees from social bookmarks
rss feed at bottom on delicious feed and syndicate it on the page!!!!!!
This is Way COOOOOOL!!

My interpretation: Post to blog, but feed blog content to place where the users (attorneys) log in....

Be where the patrons are...

mixing RSS Feeds
kickrss - makes you register to use...
RSSMix - put the rss feed links in, push create, and you have a feed aggregator.... (Doesn't show whose blog it comes from... but a problem.. if you want to attribute.

Feed Blendr : http://feedblendr.com/

Really likes this one. really pretty.

Push content to patrons in a single feed that has all of the subject related information together...

Blogs and wikis for updating... rss feeds for syndicating calendars

RSS Calendar - very simple to use. put in events, they give you a feed.
Calendar Hub

P.S. feed2js.org
style can be chosen too!!

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