Saturday, March 08, 2008

a day for sleeping (and a couch purchased)

Today Lukas slept and slept and slept. I guess to make up for the past few days when he was awake pretty much most of the day. I think he is going through a growing phase or perhaps fighting off something - he went to sleep at 11:30 tonight, which is turning into his standard bedtime.

We went to Ikea, where one of life's weird serendipities caught me by surprise. Steph and I sat next to a woman who was with her husband and daughter. We ate our Swedish meatballs and the woman next to us admired Lukas (who was his usual alert and charming self by this time.) At some point, she mentioned that she was a doula. Steph went off to change Lukas and the woman kept talking to me. Her family finished their lunch, and as she was leaving, I asked her what her name was. She said "Stacia" - I couldn't believe it, she was the doula whose name was sitting at my desk at work for weeks while I debated about calling her. My midwife friend gave me her name because she thought she would be a good match for my personality and make up for some of the deficits I was beginning to feel with my midwife.

I told Stacia that and how unbelievable it was to meet her. She asked me who I worked with for my birth and I hemmed and hawed a bit but finally told her. She said that she had worked with my midwife and thought perhaps she was deaf. I looked surprised and she said, "because I was really in sync with a woman [who had that midwife and was in labor] and the midwife would suggest something so out of tune, that I figured she was deaf or incredibly insensitive." It made me sad, because I know she is not deaf, it certainly seemed like insensitivity to me based on my experience with her. Life is strange. I wonder how things would have been with my birth if I had called her.

Ah well, sometime I will write my birth story here.

Lukas wanted very badly to do some typing:

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After Ikea we went to the Lazy Boy store to look for a nursing chair because the one I have (which was given to me) digs in to my legs and hurts my tailbone. We found a great chair (that reclines, but doesn't rock - I hope that will be okay) and ordered a new sofa too! I sure hope we like it as much at home as we did in the store. It should be here in about 2 months - just about the time I go back to work from maternity leave.

This maternity leave time is flowing away, each day is unbelievably precious, and going fast. The days themselves have a long drawn out quality because of the nursing, watching tv, playing with Lukas, then changing diapers, then nursing again. Not very exciting, but I am treasuring each moment. I wish there were some way I could stay home with him until he turns one. I dread the day I have to go back to work - but I must get the benefits and pay the mortgage.

He's sound asleep beside me here on the bed, and I need to get off to sleep myself, or tomorrow won't be much fun.

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