Today I had a hellacious day at work - our reference librarian took a (well-deserved)
vacation day, and it seemed like everyone wanted something, super
rush. There were so many people coming to my door (unusual) that I
wasn't able to go and pump for my usual 1:00 pm session, and didn't
make it to pump until 4:00! I was pretty uncomfortable by
then, and will have to make a special effort to pump on schedule and
nurse often this long weekend so I can keep up my supply. Keeping up
with Lukas's need for 4 - 4oz bottles a day is a lot harder than I
hoped it would be. I'm finding I only can pump 3 - 4 oz bottles, so I
have to keep at it in the evenings.
Because my day was so busy, I asked my sister to go and pick up
Lukas. She picked him up and said he was sitting on a mattress
surrounded by little toddlers who were enjoying the Baby! Lukas
enjoys them as well, but evidently as soon as she picked him up, the
caregiver said to them, "OK, you can jump on the bed!" So while they were
enjoying Lukas, they were probably wishing he would leave so they
I left work (finally) at 7:00 pm (still not completing an
unbelievable number of research requests) and my sister picked me up
at the Bart station. Lukas was very happy to see me, but had to tell
me how displeased he was that he had to stay in the car seat until we
could find a parking space. After nursing him in the front seat, he
played with the various front seat toys such as the air conditioning
vent, the blinker, the keys, and all the various dash gadgets. We let
him play a while then put him back in his car seat.
We decided on Pizza for dinner, and I've been wanting to
go to Zachary's so off we went. While we waiting for our table, we
went shopping at Trader Joe's next door. I had Lukas in my sling, and
I found a cart in the parking lot. Lukas was so excited about getting
in the shopping cart seat that he started lunging out of the sling to
get in. I had to tell him to wait until we got in the store. Once in
the seat, he was so happy that he babbled joyfully, bounced around,
waved, and swung his feet and body the entire time we were shopping.
He made many friends as people had to stop and chat. Trader Joe's had
set some lemon tart pieces out for sampling, so I got one for myself.
Lukas was so interested in it that he kept trying to lean up and grab
the plate out of my hands. I decided if he wanted it that bad, he
could have a taste. Sure enough, he loved it, and happily ate the
rest of the lemon curd filling from my tiny sample. I have discovered
that there are very few things for babies to eat at Trader Joes. We
found bananas and apple sauce, and that is what Lukas had for dinner
at the pizza place. (Well, that and the lemon curd appetizer.)
Tonight we spotted the other front tooth making its way to the
surface - so 2 teeth are erupting, right on schedule!!
Lukas fell asleep in the car, but woke up for another hour, and we
all watched swimming Olympic trials on TV. Lukas fell asleep on
my sisters lap and I put him to bed.
We are so unbelievably excited about the 3 day weekend!!! Tomorrow we
go to the Alameda 4th of July parade, then head to my brother's
to celebrate my niece's 6th birthday a day early. Lukas will be 6
months old tomorrow, so a day of sixes to celebrate!